Video media for UAF Glaciologists' Findings Published in Science

CNN Coverage

Video - large file (12.9MB/mov) | Video - large file (6.0/mp4)

Video - small file (1.33MB/mov) | Video - small file (6.23/mp4)

Video Clips

Footage credit Discovery Communications, Inc. edited from production titled, "Discovering Ice".

Part (372KB) | Part 1.mp4 (1.44MB) Plane flying above Columbia Glacier in the Western Chugach Mountain Range near Valdez, Alaska. The glacier feeds into Prince William Sound. Pilot, is UAF Geophyiscal Institute researcher Keith Echelmyer. (361KB) | Part2.mp4 (1.39MB) Crevasses in Columbia Glacier located in the Western Chugach Mountain Range near Valdez, Alaska. The glacier feeds into Prince William Sound. (227KB) and (404KB) | Part3.mp4 (1.22MB) and Part4.mp4 (1.92MB) UAF Geophysical Institute researcher, Keith Echelmeyer and graduate student Patricia Del Vecchio take measurements on Columbia Glacier in the Western Chugach Mountain Range near Valdez, Alaska. The glacier feeds into Prince William Sound.

For more information on this footage, contact Vicki Daniels, Geophysical Institute Public Relations Specialist at (907) 474-5823.

MP3 interviews

Echelmeyer interview (10.6MB/mp3)

Arendt interview (6.7MB/mp3)

Correction to Arendt interview on question about the total volume of ice lost from Alaska glaciers. Arendt stated that approximately 2,000 cubic kilometers of ice lost from Alaska glaciers between the 1950s and the 1990s, which is correct...but translated to a cube 2,000 kilometers is about 12.6 km in each dimension (since 12.6 cubed is 2,000).