National Geographic giant map tours Alaska
April 15, 2010

Nancy Tarnai
Starting April 19, the National Geographic giant map of Asia will transform school gyms around Alaska into geographic learning labs. The 31-foot by 41-foot cartographically accurate map allows children to learn geography in a unique, “feet-on” style. The children remove their shoes and follow UA Geography Program education and outreach coordinator Katie Kennedy through fun explorations of the countries, capitals and cultures of Asia. Following is a schedule:
Fairbanks North Star Borough School District
Monday, April 19 - Ben Eielson Jr./Sr. High School
Tuesday, April 20 - North Pole Middle School
Wednesday, April 21 - North Pole Middle School
Thursday, April 22 - Randy Smith Middle School
Friday, April 23 - Ryan Middle School
Denali School District
Tuesday, April 27 - Tri-Valley School, Healy
Mat-Su Borough School District
Thursday, April 29 - Teeland Middle School, Wasilla
Friday, April 30 - Teeland Middle School, Wasilla
Anchorage School District
Tuesday, May 4 - Goldenview Middle School, Anchorage
Wednesday, May 5 - Wendler Middle School, Anchorage
Thursday, May 6 - Wendler Middle School, Anchorage
Kenai Peninsula Borough School District
Monday, May 10 - Homer Middle School, Homer
Tuesday, May 11 - Homer Middle School, Homer
Kodiak Island Borough Schools
Thursday, May 13 - East Elementary School, Kodiak
Friday, May 14- Kodiak Middle School, Kodiak
ADDITIONAL CONTACTS: Marmian Grimes, UAF public information officer, at 907-474-7902 or via e-mail at