30-minute sessions on course accessibility
August 2, 2019

All sessions will be from noon-12:30 p.m. in 131 Bunnell. You can also watch the presentations online via the eCampus website.
Aug. 12: Squash Confusion with Document Structure
Aug. 13: Peas, Write Alt-Text for Images
Aug. 14: Asparagus the Excuses: Make Your Own Captions
Aug. 15: Start Sprouting Accessible PDFs
Aug. 19: Endive into an Accessible Google Drive
Aug. 20: Turnip Blackboard’s Accessibility with Ally
Aug. 21: Tomayto, Tomahto: Give Users Options with Texthelp’s Read & Write
Aug. 22: The Rad-ish World of Assistive Technology
Find session descriptions and more information online. Prizes will be offered at each presentation.