A legacy of compassion and commitment
March 21, 2020

Dear students,
At UAF, we pride ourselves on being a welcoming and supportive community. These last two weeks have shown me just how true that is.
Disruption brought about by the COVID-19 virus will pass. On the other hand, the legacy left by compassion and commitment will last. It will be your efforts to stick with your education, fellow students, faculty and your university that you will look back on knowing that you made the right decisions for your future and ours. Your questions, suggestions and support are helping us build a path forward.
I will continue to put my priority on making UAF a respectful, diverse, inclusive and caring environment. I ask that you renew your commitment to those values as well. I am confident that when I think back on the Coronavirus pandemic, what I will remember are the acts of kindness, compassion, and support that you all share with each other. Thank you for choosing UAF.
— Dan White, chancellor