Alternative spring break fundraising

February 22, 2018

University Relations

The 2018 Alternative Spring Break team. UAF photo by Zayn Roohi.
The 2018 Alternative Spring Break team. UAF photo by Zayn Roohi.

Alternative Spring Break — also called "AB" — is a different way for college students to spend their spring breaks. Each year, the Student Leadership and Involvement Office assembles a group of students and selects somewhere in the world that needs help. UAF students have traveled to places like Washington, D.C., California and Mexico. The volunteer work has included activities like youth development and disaster prevention and relief. In addition to the good that comes from the volunteer work itself, this trip also helps transform students into leaders within their communities.

Next month, the UAF team will travel to Houston to work with a local disaster response organization to rebuild a family's home that was damaged in last fall's hurricane. This will include work such as hanging insulation, sanding, painting, laying floors and much more. The program is not funded by the university, so students raise the money they need for the trip's expenses, including airfare, transportation and accommodations. To supplement fundraising event efforts, the team welcomes direct contributions from the university community.

For more information or to make a donation, please visit For those students who missed the chance to be part of this year’s team, keep an eye out for next year’s trip! Applications usually open around October.