Applications open for Undergraduate Research Experience
July 21, 2020
Applications are being accepted for the 2020-2021 BLaST Undergraduate Research Experience until July 31, 2020. BLaST, or the Biomedical Learning and Student Training program, engages students from diverse, backgrounds in education and training for biomedical research careers, with an emphasis on students from rural Alaska.
Current UAF students from all racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic backgrounds are invited to apply. To be eligible for a BLaST Undergraduate Research Experience, students must meet certain criteria, including:
- having an interest in biomedical or One Health research;
- having a faculty mentor at their campus; and
- having a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher.
The BLaST URE award is up to $5,000 during the fall and spring of 2020-2021. Awards can be budgeted for research supplies and services, travel, and student salary (hourly compensation for a maximum of 40 hours a week).
Learn more online.
Apply online. A PDF version of the application is also available to help you prepare your proposal.
For more information, email