Apply Now for Spring iTeach
January 31, 2014

Looking to become a more dynamic and effective teacher? Want to learn how to incorporate meaningful web tools into an existing course? UAF eLearning's 10th Anniversary iTeach is just around the corner!
The Instructional Design Team at UAF eLearning & Distance Education will host this
free four-day workshop on March 7, 10, 12 and 14. The team members all have experience
teaching traditional face-to-face and online courses at UAF. The skills taught by the eLearning experts will assist faculty,
instructors, lecturers and teaching assistants in creating pedagogically sound face-to-face
or online courses that are fun, possess academic integrity and meet UAF’s academic
guidelines. Click here to learn more about the workshops, or download the flier What I Learned at iTeach. The deadline to apply is Feb. 10.
Important to note: Participants will receive a 16GB iPad mini and will be fed breakfast and lunch each day!
This week's teaching tip: Storytelling with technology.
Sometimes it pays to pay. Stories are as old a technology as there is, and there are plenty of cheap tools out there (re: Google Drive, pencils, campfires) that will help you make rip-roaring yarns. However, a few premium tools are worth the price. Read about a few of them here:
Teaching Tip by Chris Malmberg
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