ARCUS newsletter features Beaufort LTER and microFEWs research
March 6, 2020
Two projects involving researchers from the Alaska Center for Energy and Power were
featured in the February 2020 edition of Witness the Arctic, the monthly newsletter of the Arctic Research Consortium of the United States.
ACEP’s Jeremy Kasper is a co-principal investigator on the National Science Foundation-funded Beaufort Lagoon Ecosystems Long-Term Ecological Research project. This spring, ACEP researchers Eloise Brown, Stephanie Jump and Taylor Poirrier will travel north to continue the research.
The NSF-funded MicroFEWs project aims to explore the impact of local renewable energy projects on food, water, and energy security and resilience in remote Arctic communities. Erin Whitney, ACEP’s Data Collection and Analysis Program manager and Solar Technologies Program manager, and research partner Jen Schmidt, from UAA’s Institute of Social and Economic Research, are two of the project leads.
ARCUS’ Witness the Arctic provides information on current Arctic research efforts and findings, significant research initiatives, national policy affecting Arctic research, international activities, and profiles of institutions with major Arctic research efforts.
For more information, email Amanda Byrd at