Bering Science report released
October 12, 2020

This was a challenging year for research in Alaska. Many surveys and projects were delayed or canceled due to the coronavirus pandemic.
In addition to an overview of summer ocean conditions by IARC's Rick Thoman, this Bering Science highlights innovative ways agencies collected data, such as walleye pollock surveys conducted by saildrones. The report also shares updates from state and federal agencies on salmon, red king crabs, phytoplankton, unusual mortality events in sea birds and gray whales, paralytic shellfish poisoning, and a marine debris event.
This is the second Bering Science report. the spring 2020 Bering Science report was released in June. Bering Science is part of a broader project to increase sharing and use of federal and nonfederal ocean data. Other activities include ensuring that all existing Bering Sea region data are available in a central data portal and coordinating research activities between scientists and agencies.
For more information, email Heather McFarland, IARC communications lead, at