Bill Schnabel named dean of the College of Engineering and Mines
December 19, 2018

William "Bill" Schnabel has been named the dean of the College of Engineering and Mines. A strong advocate for engineering, he will oversee and manage all operations under CEM and will report to the provost/executive vice chancellor.
Schnabel has a long history with UAF, including as a Ph.D. student, faculty member, and for the last decade as an administrative leader. He has served as the director of the Water and Environmental Research Center, associate director and then director of the Institute of Northern Engineering, and associate dean for research at the College of Engineering and Mines.
Under Schnabel’s leadership, WERC significantly diversified its research personnel and portfolio to establish successful programs in marine mammal research, human dimensions of environmental science/engineering, and interdisciplinary studies at the nexus of food-energy-water. He led INE through a challenging series of external budget cuts while growing new externally funded research programs. As CEM’s associate dean for research, Schnabel worked with faculty throughout the college to integrate strong research programs with excellence in the classroom.