BOR meeting on UA restructure today

August 28, 2019

Tori Tragis

The Board of Regents’ subcommittee on restructuring the University of Alaska will meet Wednesday, Aug. 28, from 1-3 p.m. in Fairbanks.

On July 30, the Board of Regents directed the university president (PDF) to increase the share of resources for academics and student services; reduce administrative costs; develop a strategic approach for combining academic, research and service units across the UA system; and develop a plan for single accreditation.

A subcommittee appointed by Chair John Davies to oversee the planning will meet Wednesday to review an initial report on the planning process and steps being taken to reduce costs and focus resources on academic programs and student services.

WHO:             UA Board of Regents’ Subcommittee on Restructuring the University of Alaska
WHAT:           Special meeting of the subcommittee
WHEN:          Wednesday, Aug. 28, 2019, 1-3 p.m.
WHERE:        Butrovich Building Room 204, Fairbanks campus; video sites will be available at UAA in the
Administrative Building, Room 204; and at UAS in the Hendrickson Building Room 204.

Materials for the meeting are available on BoardDocs. You can live stream the meeting.