Carbon footprint webinar June 3
May 31, 2011
The first step in reducing UAF’s greenhouse gas emissions is to adopt the tools and
methodologies to launch an energy and carbon-reduction program. UAF has partnered
with Clean Air-Cool Planet to provide a 2-hour webinar on conducting a carbon footprint
inventory using the CA-CP Carbon Calculator.
Anyone interested in attending, as well as UAF administrators, faculty, facility management,
staff, students, community representatives and public relations representatives, are
invited to attend the Carbon Footprint webinar Friday June 3, 10 a.m. – noon, 340
Elmer E. Rasmuson Library (media classroom). Departmental staff who oversee travel
expenditures or purchasing are also invited.
participants will walk away understanding the steps needed to calculate a carbon footprint,
such as how the data gathering takes place, what is needed from each department and
how the CA-CP Campus Carbon Calculator can aid in creating a campus action plan.
This webinar can accommodate 20 online attendees. Contact Michele Hebert to register.