Catalytic converter thefts
February 5, 2021
Law enforcement in the Fairbanks area has been receiving reports of catalytic converter
thefts. The thefts are happening at various times of day and night to vehicles left
unattended in parking lots.
Someone attempting to steal a catalytic converter typically uses a portable reciprocating
saw, like a Sawzall, to cut it from the exhaust system, so they have to lie on the
ground underneath the vehicle to complete the theft.
Please be aware of your surroundings and use good safety techniques, such as looking
around and under your vehicle as you approach it.
If you see something suspicious about a person’s actions near parked vehicles or if
you see someone stealing from your own vehicle, do not approach them. Walk to a safe
location and call local law enforcement. The UAF Police Department’s phone number
is 474-7721 or 911.
As always, if you have an emergency, calmly move to a safe location and call 911.