Center ICE event for UAF alumni
July 23, 2019

UAF alumni visited Center ICE last Friday, July 19, as part of Nanook Rendezvous. They explored UAF innovations, met with student and faculty inventors, and learned about university spinoff companies that bring new technologies to the market.
Alumni learned about the OneTree project and UAF startup companies such as BeCool, Barati Medical and Coupi. They also met student interns working at many of these companies through a program called Students2Startups. There were opportunities to solve real Alaska problems using on-site materials and prototypes, with prompts provided by the Alaska Community Challenge program.
Center ICE, OIPC staff and university inventors led tours, described their work and performed demonstrations. One Center ICE staff member joined the event from Anchorage using a Double, a telepresence robot that moves around on wheels. A student innovator and startup company employee in Juneau joined using a Google Jamboard, a remotely interactive whiteboard with a video screen. Both technologies were made available by UAF’s eCampus.
For more information, contact Center ICE at