Certified public manager training offered

January 25, 2016

Debbie Carter

The Alaska Certified Public Manager program will begin Feb. 15 in the Anchorage area, with classes aimed at developing management, supervision and leadership skills.

The American Academy of Certified Public Managers created the nationally accredited management development program. The University of Alaska Fairbanks Cooperative Extension Service Professional and Workforce Development Program coordinates the Alaska program, which was previously offered by other university entities.

To complete the program, students must finish 300 hours of classwork on a variety of topics, ranging from entry-level supervisory skills to executive management skills, and they must complete a project with a local organization.

Individual classes are open to all. Ten one- and two-day classes will be offered Feb. 15 through March 18 at the Anchorage District Extension office, 1675 C St. The classes will run from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Topics include customer service, the role of the supervisor, the supervisor as leader, performance management and more. Angela Camos and Karen Kirk will teach the classes. Camos has a Master of Public Administration degree and varied business experience. Kirk is a trainer with Synergistic Solutions, and consults with and provides training to businesses.

The cost is $125 for one-day classes and $250 for two-day classes. Registration, class and program information is available on the Professional and Workforce Development website at http://uaf.edu/ces/pwd/. Classes will be taught in other communities upon request. For additional information, contact Anna-Mariah Kelly at 907-474-5042 or uaf-pwd@alaska.edu.