CFOS Seminar Oct. 21: Sustainability through a well-being framework
October 20, 2020

"Assessing the Sustainability of Alaska Salmon Fisheries Through a Well-Being Framework"
Human well-being has been widely promoted as an important dimension of sustainability, and is increasingly gaining application in fisheries. At the same time, important dimensions of well-being remain understudied and difficult to integrate with policy and management. This presentation shares insights from recent efforts to better understand and account for rural and Alaska Native conceptions of well-being in management and decision-making processes. The need for culturally defined measures to monitor well-being and inform management decisions affecting rural and Alaska Native fishing communities is pressing given current management concerns surrounding environmental change, resource development, and the loss of local fisheries access in rural communities. In this presentation we approach sustainable resource management as inclusive of social, cultural, and community perspectives and dimensions. We also evaluate the utility of well-being indicators as an assessment tool that can effectively communicate social considerations within fishery systems.
For Zoom information, email Matthew Wooller at .