Chancellor search committee has a schedule

October 21, 2015

Carla Browning

Kari Burrell
Kari Burrell

Kari Burrell
Vice chancellor for administrative services

The UAF Chancellor’s Search Committee has been named and met last week for the first time. The group will work with UA President Jim Johnsen and a search firm to hire UAF’s next chancellor.

Tom Fitch, consultant with the national firm Academic Search, met with campus leadership and governance groups last week to get initial input. The firm also assisted during the recent UA president search.

Recruitment will run from early November to late January. The search committee will choose semi-finalists sometime in February and interview them on-site in March. The goal is to name a new chancellor in April, before the end of the academic term.

If you’d like to provide feedback to the search firm or to the committee, please feel free to do so here.

Visit the search website for more information and updates as the search progresses.