Card payments to student accounts will come with fees
May 17, 2016

The university will still offer other payment methods with no fees.
Starting June 1, credit and debit card payments will be accepted online only via UAonline (Touchnet). This secure portal allows students convenient access to their accounts. All card users will be assessed a separate, non-refundable service fee of 2.75 percent of the payment amount at the time of each card transaction. There is a $3 minimum fee.
The charge will be assessed by PayPath, the private service used by the university to process card payments. The university will not receive the money.
The change reduces costs for the university, which had been absorbing the cost of processing card transactions. Because of budget reductions, absorbing those costs is no longer feasible.
Students will still have options to pay their bills without the additional fee:
- Check (ACH) payments may be made online and the service fee will not apply to these transactions. (Use your bank routing and account number.)
- Checks, cash and money orders will continue to be accepted at the Office of the Bursar, either in person in Signers’ Hall or via the U.S. Postal Service at P.O. Box 757640, Fairbanks, AK 99775-7640. Please note: we will no longer be able to accept phone payments for your student account. However, there are many computers throughout campus for self-service online payments.
The Office of the Bursar has developed answers to frequently asked questions (PDF) about the new card fees. For more information on student accounts, visit the bursar's website at: