Climate faculty fellow sought
January 28, 2020
The UAF Honors College is searching for a half-time faculty fellow to support the
Climate Scholar Program.
Bridging the arts, humanities and sciences, the Climate Scholar Program emphasizes
site-based experiential education, paradigm-shifting undergraduate research, and fostering
pathways of community action and response. The Climate Scholar Program offers high-achieving
students an interdisciplinary education in rapid environmental change, climate communication,
environmental ethics, Indigenous knowledge networks, food sovereignty and more.
The faculty fellow will work with the director of the Honors College to coordinate
all aspects of the Climate Scholar Program. This appointment will begin immediately
and run through the 2022-2023 academic year with an option to renew. Some summer responsibilities
will be expected. The exact workload distribution is to be negotiated with the respective
dean or director.
- Full-time faculty with a terminal degree in an academic discipline
- A record of commitment to climate education or research
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills
Please contact Alex Hirsch at by Friday, Feb. 7, if you are interested or would like more information.