Concerns about anti-LGBT public presentations on campus

September 17, 2019

University Relations

Question 1: Many folks are wondering why we were subjected to high volume misogynistic and transphobic rants on our way to the Wood Center Thursday afternoon 29. According to UAF policy, "No activity will be scheduled/approved on campus, which in UAF's judgment evidences a clear likelihood of disrupting campus operations, interfering with the rights of others, or the destruction of property. All persons on the property of UAF have the obligation to conduct themselves in a manner compatible with UAF’s responsibilities as an educational institution." Did the man with the poster and his colleague yelling anti-LGBT messages at passersby register with with the scheduling office? If so, why was their activity approved, given its contradiction of UAF's stated values? If not, why were they not escorted off the premises? I am heartbroken for my students who heard these hateful messages and now feel unwelcome.

Questions 2: Can we not have people yelling hate speech in the middle of campus? It was unfortunate to see a group of people holding a sign and yelling hate speech and slurs directed against Title IX-protected groups in front of ELIF at lunchtime this Thursday 29. There were so many students walking by that looked upset and uncomfortable - it's not a great "Welcome to UAF!" message. What is the university policy on disturbances like these? I was hoping to see campus police removing the group when I walked by 10 minutes later, but that was not the case.