Conference promotes success in postsecondary education
January 26, 2015
UAF staff and faculty are invited to attend the Alaska Postsecondary Access and Success
Network Conference, March 17–18, at the Downtown Anchorage Marriott.
The 2015 conference theme is 65 by 2025–Alaska Can! The network is committed to increasing
the percentage of working-age adults in Alaska holding a high-value certificate, college
degree or other industry-recognized credential to 65 percent by the year 2025.
The conference is a time for Alaskans from all walks — education, business, public
service — to unite and work to increase the number of Alaskans enrolling and succeeding
in postsecondary education. Postsecondary education includes apprenticeships, industry-recognized
licensure, workforce credentials, certificates and degrees.
The conference will offer:
- A common understanding and sense of urgency concerning Alaska’s serious postsecondary access and completion challenge, and related workforce implications.
- Knowledge about the network, including how you can be part of the 65 by 2025 goal.
- Bridging of cross-sector gaps through active discussions.
- Deeper and shared knowledge of Alaska initiatives, service coverages and gaps, and existing best practices.