CTC aviation program to formally open new hangar
April 29, 2013

Karen Wilken
The University of Alaska Fairbanks Community & Technical College will hold an open house and ribboncutting event at its new aviation maintenance hangar on the East Ramp at Fairbanks International Airport Wednesday, May 1, from 4:30 - 6:30 p.m.
Tours of the facility and the recently acquired Boeing 727 will be available afterward.
"This event is very exciting for us," said CTC Dean Michele Stalder said. "It's a chance to open the doors to the community so they can experience what UAF CTC is doing for the future of Alaska's aviation industry."
The 20,000-square-foot hangar was purchased in 2012. Over the course of a year, UAF has been renovating the hangar into a modern, hands-on learning facility. Students began taking classes in the hangar this spring. UAF's aviation program is one of about four 12-month certificate programs in the country and has a history in Fairbanks dating back to the 1960's.
The new facility allows students to work on a larger variety of aircraft.
“This move promises to increase industry partnerships, raise the relevance of instruction and make it much easier for UAF CTC to offer and participate in more continuing education for existing aviation professionals and ultimately increase the level of service and responsiveness we can offer from the program,” said aviation program head Kevin Alexander.
ADDITIONAL CONTACTS: Michele Stalder, UAF CTC dean, at 907-455-2850.
ON THE WEB: www.ctc.uaf.edu/programs/amt