Cuban activist to speak on Internet freedom
November 20, 2013

Cuban activist Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo will speak on the subject of Internet freedom in Cuba, the Cuban blogosphere versus the open blogosphere, and new activism and social media under restricted Internet access on Monday, Nov. 25 at 6 p.m. in Schaible Auditorium on the UAF campus. This lecture is free and open to the public.
Pardo Lazo is an award-winning author, journalist, photographer and artist. He graduated from the Havana University in 1994 with a degree in biochemistry and worked as a molecular biologist until 1999, when he began work as a freelance writer, photographer and dissident blogger. His works include four short-story books published in Cuba, as well as a work of fiction, "Boring Home," which was banned from publication in Letras Cubanas publishing house in Havana, and which received the Franz Kafka Prize, an international literary award. His opinion columns appear in several online publications, and he is editor and founder of the independent opinion and literary e-zine "Voces," Cuba's first digital magazine. His personal blog, Post-Revolution Mondays, can be found at
Pardo Lazo's lecture is presented by the UAF Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures and the UAF Spanish club, with support from the College of Liberal Arts, the Associated Students of UAF, Diversity and Equal Opportunity, and the UAF English, communication and justice departments. For more information, visit, or contact Dan Darrow at 474-7980.
MEDIA CONTACT: Dan Darrow, 907-474-7980 or