Alaskans offer labor relations advice

September 30, 2014

University Relations

UAF Office of Human Resources Associate Director Anita Hartmann and United Academics President Abel Bult-Ito offered advice on faculty labor-management relations during a national conference Sept. 29 in San Antonio, Texas.

Hartmann and Bult-Ito participated in a panel titled "Frenemies? Union and Management: Better Together!" during the College and University Professional Association for Human Resources' annual conference and expo.

UA System Office Labor Relations Coordinator Rhonda Ooms teamed with Hartmann to offer  the management perspective. United Academics Contract Manager Cynthia West partnered with Bult-Ito to represent the union view.

The session's goal was to provide attendees with tools and practical examples to establish and grow collaborative faculty labor-management relations. The panelists also aimed to help attendees understand how to build trust through communication and understand how to successfully negotiate a collective bargaining agreement while also enjoying the accomplishment.