Cyber security awareness training offered in October
October 22, 2012

Whether you classify technology as good, bad or indifferent, there's no denying that our lives have become and will continue to be more digital. The month of October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month and a good time to take stock of our own digital lives and how we keep them secure. Our phones, our cars, our computers our credit and membership cards are important to our daily lives and we often take their security for granted.
UA now has access to Information Security Awareness Training through the State of Alaska. OIT, with the help of HR Training and Development and Corporate Programs, has established the SANS Securing the Human training materials in SkillSoft.
Recognizing the changing risks to students, employees and the organization, I encourage all employees to take 5-10 minutes to watch the videos. Each one is followed by two questions based on the material and there's an opportunity to provide feedback to help improve this training as well.
Employees who complete the training in October (about 45 minutes total) will be entered into a drawing for an iPad (16 GB, Wi-Fi).
To access the training
Login to UAOnline, choose employee services, employee eLearning, Skillsoft, and login with UAUsername and password, choose catalog, Learning Programs, UA Cyber Security Awareness. You can also or login to Skillsoft directly.
Karl Kowalski is the CITO for the UA Office of Information Technology.