Drive-through peony fundraiser planned
July 9, 2020
It's peony season, and the Georgeson Botanical Garden Society will sell the showy
flowers again this year. Because of COVID-19, members will host a drive-through fundraiser
to support garden operations.

For $50, individuals will receive two dozen short-stemmed peonies. So that they can enjoy these blooms for a longer time, they will receive one dozen on Tuesday, July 14, and one dozen on July 28.
This event can’t be at the garden itself, so volunteers will be at the Artisans Courtyard parking lot from 5-8 p.m. on both days. Just drive up to their “peony station” and remain in your car while volunteers give you the blooms. Artisans Courtyard is located at 1755 Westwood Way, off College Road.
If you’d like or order ahead, go to and pay online. They will also accept cash or checks. Don’t forget to visit the garden and the peonies. Hours are 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily. Please remember social distancing and to wear masks.