Early alert progress reports open Feb. 3
January 29, 2020

Progress reports are early alerts designed to provide students timely feedback with instructors' concerns about their attendance and/or academic performance at key points during the semester. The progress report triggers an email to students so they can make an informed decision about whether or not to re-engage, drop or withdraw from the course.
Progress reports facilitated through Nanook Navigator will be open to all instructors in the third and ninth weeks of the semester. The third-week progress reports will be available for instructors to report on any students at risk of failure due to poor attendance and/or failure to turn in assignments. The ninth week will offer an opportunity to report on any students at risk of failing the course with a recommendation that the student withdraw from the course.
Student success staff highly recommend all faculty submit midterm grades and progress reports to UAOnline on Feb. 24. This is the regular semester check-in, which is equally vital towards early intervention.
Instructors are invited to learn more about the steps and implementation of progress reports and early alerts on Thursday, Jan. 30, from 1-2:30 p.m. in the BP Design Theater (ELIF 401) to learn more about the steps and implementation of progress reports and early alerts. Please sign up here to receive a calendar invite and videoconference link. You may also access resources and more information on this meeting on the Nanook Navigator website.
For questions or concerns please contact Jessica Skipper at jrskipper@alaska.edu.