ELive will switch to Blackboard Collaborate

May 8, 2014



The Office of Information Technology will replace the Elluminate Live system with the newer, enhanced Blackboard Collaborate, an online learning platform designed for education.

Access to Elive and the web site http://elive.uaf.edu will end as of June 1.

OIT made Blackboard Collaborate available this past semester. Faculty and staff were able to use both it and Elive.

Those who have saved recordings in previous Elive sessions must export them if they wish to use them in Blackboard Collaborate sessions. A guide to exporting Elive courses is at https://www.alaska.edu/files/oit/Elluminate-Live-Publish-Quick-Starting-Guide.pdf.

Please contact the OIT Support Center with questions or concerns at helpdesk@alaska.edu, 907-450-8300 or 800-478-8226. The OIT calendar has times available  for training on how to use Blackboard Collaborate or the software “Publish” to extract Elive recordings before June 1.