Evolutionary geneticist to give talk on ancient DNA
October 16, 2019

A Siberian trapper-turned-geneticist will explore the connections between modern organisms and their ancestors during a talk at the University of Alaska Fairbanks on Oct. 22.
Eske Willerslev is an evolutionary geneticist at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark who focuses on the ancient DNA of humans, plants and animals.
Willerslev’s talk, which begins at 7 p.m. in Schaible Auditorium, will start with the story of his work as a trapper in Siberia. He later became curious about the diversity of the indigenous groups he encountered and embarked on a study of human history by way of genomics.
The event is hosted by the Alaska Quaternary Center, a unit of the UAF College of Natural Science and Mathematics. Admission is free, as is parking after 5 p.m.
Nancy Bigelow, AQC director, said Willerslev’s DNA work has offered credible historical insights.
“Ancient DNA, as a field of study, gives you a snapshot of what was actually there in the past, and you can connect it with what you already know,” said Bigelow. “All techniques have weaknesses, so if you can get another tool in the toolbox, so to speak, to tell you what was going on in the past, it strengthens the case.”
ADDITIONAL CONTACT: Nancy Bigelow, Alaska Quaternary Center director, nhbigelow@alaska.edu, 907-474-5433