Exploring Alaska’s volcanoes from underground
February 2, 2016
Alaska is home to 52 historically active, potentially hazardous and spectacularly
beautiful volcanoes. These not-so-silent residents of our state produce an astounding
diversity in eruption styles. Each volcano has a unique personality.

In the fourth of the free public 2016 Science for Alaska Lecture Series, Jessica Larsen will talk about exploring the subterranean realms of Alaska’s active volcanoes.
The lecture is at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 9, in the Westmark Fairbanks Hotel's Gold Room.
Larsen is the head of the Volcano Group at the University of Alaska Fairbanks Geophysical Institute. She also is the director of the GI’s Petrology Lab.
UAF Geophysical Institute has hosted the lecture series for the past 24 years. The Triplehorn family joins this year as a major contributor to the lecture series. The Alaska Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research continues as a sponsor.
CONTACT: Lea Gardine, 907-474-7664
ON THE WEB: gi.alaska.edu/scienceforalaska