Faculty Accelerator: A platform for networking and faculty development
October 26, 2020

The intent of the Faculty Accelerator is to address a number of needs identified in last year’s faculty survey, to which more than 170 UAF faculty responded. Since multiple entities are supporting faculty development at UAF under different banners, we are bringing them all under one umbrella, called the Accelerator, to encourage synergistic partnerships around these efforts.
The Faculty Accelerator website provides a broadly accessible digital platform for faculty to be a part of mentoring networks, learning communities, teaching cohorts, research hubs and writing groups. It is also a one-stop resource for announcing and finding numerous faculty development opportunities and events. You can remotely join any event hosted by the Faculty Development Team via built-in Zoom and call-in options for broad access.
The Faculty Development Team is working to build customized individual pathways for faculty development. These pathways will help faculty select focused professional development activities. The first set of pathways that are being developed are graduate student mentoring, innovation and entrepreneurship, online teaching, and community engagement.
“I thank the individuals and groups that came together and have worked tirelessly to develop this creative concept and a rich resource. It is both timely and exciting,” Provost Anupma Prakash said.
The Faculty Accelerator is a collaborative effort between the Provost’s Faculty Development Team, the Faculty Development and Improvement Subcommittee of Faculty Senate, the Graduate School, the Accreditation and Assessment Faculty Fellow with the Vice Provost’s Office, the eCampus Instructional Design Team, and OIPC Center ICE.
If you know of resources that would help the broader faculty community, would like to be a partner, or have suggestions for enhancing the use and benefit of the faculty accelerator, please contact Madara Mason at emason@alaska.edu.