Free concert of movie and stage music
April 17, 2019
University Relations

The UAF Wind Symphony and the Fairbanks Community Band are sharing the stage at Davis
Concert Hall this Saturday, April 20, at 4 p.m. The program, "Music from the Stage
and Screen," includes music from "The Magnificent Seven," "Phantom of the Opera,"
"Les Misérables," "E.T.," "Jurassic Park," "Schindler's List," "War Horse," "West
Side Story" and "Raiders of the Lost Ark." The two groups will perform separately
and then combine for a grand finale.
UAF music professor Bryan Emmon Hall is the guest soloist on the 'Theme from Schindler's
List." The Wind Symphony is directed by George Rydlinski, and the Fairbanks Community
Band is directed by Greg Balvanz.
Admission is free and open to the public. This is a family-friendly event, and youth
are encouraged to attend.