Award-winning Alaska authors to give free reading
September 23, 2013

The Midnight Sun Visiting Writers Series will host a free public reading with two Alaska authors, Christine Byl and Carolyn Kremers, Friday, Oct. 4, at 7 p.m. in the Wood Center Ballroom at the University of Alaska Fairbanks.
Byl is the author of "Dirt Work: An Education in the Woods." Her prose has appeared in Glimmer Train, The Sun and Crazyhorse, among other journals. Byl has also received awards from Alaska State Council on the Arts, Rasmuson Foundation, Breadloaf and Fishtrap.
Carolyn Kremers is a teacher and musician who writes creative nonfiction and poetry. Her books include "Place of the Pretend People: Gifts from a Yup'ik Eskimo Village," "The Alaska Reader: Voices from the North," and "Upriver."

The reading is sponsored by the UAF English Department.
Additional information is available by calling the UAF English Department at 907-474-7193.
MEDIA CONTACT: Eric Parker, 907-474-7193 or