Freymueller honored by American Geophysical Union
August 14, 2014

Lea Gardine
Jeffrey T. Freymueller, professor of geophysics at the University of Alaska Fairbanks and coordinating scientist with the Alaska Volcano Observatory, was named to the 2014 class of American Geophysical Union Fellows.
The fellows program, established in 1962, recognizes AGU members who have made exceptional contributions to the Earth and space sciences, as determined by AGU members. Fellows must have made a major breakthrough or discovery, caused a paradigm shift or had a sustained impact on the field. The fellows selection process is highly competitive. Fellowship is limited to 0.1 percent of AGU members.
“Jeff's scientific contributions to GPS geodesy, tectonics and volcanology are well-known to the AGU community,” said Kristine Larson, professor of aerospace engineering sciences at University of Colorado Boulder and 2011 AGU fellow. “He has also been incredibly selfless in giving his time for service activities."
In addition to the AGU, other organizations benefiting from Freymueller's service include the National Science Foundation, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and UNAVCO Inc., a university consortium that supports research into Earth’s shape, gravity field and rotation.
"I was proud to nominate him for AGU fellow and extremely pleased with AGU's recent announcement," Larson said.
Although awardees were informed a few days in advance, the official announcement was made on July 29, an important day for Freymueller.
"The fun thing was that it was revealed on my birthday,” he said. “It was like a birthday present from AGU. It’s definitely nice, like a lifetime-so-far achievement award.”
Freymueller joins Davis D. Sentman, a 2012 AGU fellow, as the second honoree from the University of Alaska Fairbanks in three years.
The 2014 class of AGU Fellows will be celebrated on Dec. 17, during the honors ceremony and banquet at the AGU fall meeting in San Francisco.
For more information about the AGU Fellowship, visit