Friday Focus: A warm UAF welcome
August 20, 2020

Welcome back to the start of the fall semester! Although it is a different type of year, with a different type of start, it is still a special time of year and a certain energy is returning to campus.
A bit less apparent than usual, but nonetheless, we must remember that next week, it may be the first day of college for a first-time student. It may be the first time someone is away from home in a time when staying at home has been the norm. It may be harder to meet new friends from a distance of 6 feet or behind a mask or face shield — but students are excited to be here and will persevere in the most challenging of circumstances. Faculty and staff are also happy to see them, either online or in person, with safety measures in place.
Recently I’ve noticed that when someone asks me how I am, I might respond with a “Great thanks, but you know … COVID,” as a caveat that any general well-being has a shadow of acknowledgement that a pandemic is still part of our reality. In truth, this is a reminder for me to be aware of my response and to step up my game in making someone new to Nanook Nation feel welcome as part of their first experience (or returning experience) with UAF.
Students are arriving, and before venturing out to explore what the UAF campus (or campuses) have to offer, they await COVID-19 test results and are ordering a lot of takeout meals. Returning students may be hoping to pick up where they left off, with some distance education or a mix of an in-person class or two.
It may be the first time on campus for a new North Star College student, taking remote learning through their respective high school, and possibly coming to campus for UAF courses that will count as dual credits toward a high school diploma as well as kicking off an early start to a collegiate career. Regardless of where our fellow Nanooks are coming from, everyone is playing a key part in the safety of our community, apart, together.
The New Faculty Orientation wrapped up this past week, led by Amanda White, School of Management instructor and applied management program director, as part of the provost’s Faculty Development Team. There were 30 new term and tenure-track faculty hired in the last year.
About one dozen (give or take) joined orientation for two days of virtual synchronous sessions and asynchronous content to get to know their colleagues and share reasons why they chose UAF. A Zoom room full of adventurous spirits challenged the leadership team with some good questions about next steps for UAF in a complex climate. They shared anecdotes of long solo drives up the Alcan Highway, dreams of seeing (and studying) the aurora, or coming home to Fairbanks. Putting down roots was a theme, and Amanda and others, including the chancellor, provost and vice chancellors, helped welcome these new faces, eager to contribute.
Even as we make it through our first pandemic, this special time deserves a special focus. Although our winters can be colder than most, our welcome couldn’t be warmer. Best of luck this semester!
Friday Focus is a column written by a different member of UAF’s leadership team every week. On occasion, a guest writer is asked to contribute a column.