FY12 compensation changes
July 1, 2011
The FY12 fiscal year begins July 1. See the FY12 Staff Salary Schedule for salary information.
Specific compensation changes for FY12:
Regular staff pay schedule: 2% increase to the grid
Temporary pay schedule: 2% increase to the grid
Student pay schedule: 50 cent increase
Executive pay adjustments: 2% pool distributed to eligible executive officers as a
combination of market and across the board adjustments.
Adjustments are effective July 3 and should be reflected in the paycheck received
on July 29.
Health plan contributions will only change if an employee elected a new health plan
level or did not complete the open enrollment paperwork and defaulted into the middle
plan. Employee only bi-weekly charges are $15.20, $42.93 and $97.97 respectively.
For additional rate information see the UA health plan rates.