Troth Yeddha’ Race for the Park slated for Sept. 9
August 21, 2017
Leona Long

The University of Alaska Fairbanks’ College of Rural and Community Development and Running Club North will host the 6th Annual Troth Yeddha’ Run for the Park at noon on Saturday, Sept. 9.
The race will start at Troth Yeddha' Park, the green space between the UA Museum of the North and the Reichardt Building. The 5-kilometer race raises awareness about the park, future home of an indigenous studies center, and celebrates Alaskan Native history, culture and traditions.
For generations, Alaska Natives gathered on the ridge called Troth Yeddha’ to share traditional knowledge and harvest nearby wild potatoes. The Race for the Park helps us make strides for the indigenous studies center as we carry on a similar traditional use of the hill, a place for good thinking and working together.
Registration is $25, with all proceeds donated to the UA Foundation's Troth Yeddha' Park Fund. University students can register for free with UA ID. Registration is available online on Eventbrite or in person from 11-11:30 a.m. on the day of the race.
Download a flyer for the event here.
ADDITIONAL CONTACTS: Leona Long, 907-474-5086, Izzy Martinez, 474-5860, Amanda Lash, 474-6417,
ONLINE: Visit the race %2C%22has_source%22%3Atrue%7D">Facebook page.