Goodbye, mail center kiosk
January 14, 2019
The Fairbanks campus mail center kiosk located on the lower level of Constitution
Hall will be permanently going away at the end of January. Pitney Bowes, the manufacturer,
has decided these kiosks will no longer be maintained or supported, and they are requiring
the machine be returned.
As there are no comparable replacement products available, the campus mail center
is exploring service alternatives. In the meantime, here are some ways to mail your
letters and packages:
- Buy stamps at Wood Center.
- Order stamps and shipping materials from
- Purchase and print your own United States Postal Service postage using the Click-N-Ship service at Then, you can bring your package to the mail center window (Monday-Friday, noon-3 p.m.), and we will forward it to USPS with our daily outgoing mail.
The closest USPS facility to campus is at 755 Fairbanks Street (on the corner of Geist
and Fairbanks). If you have any questions, please contact Deanna Lazarus, campus mail
center manager, at 474-7215.