'Guarded' project coming to UAF

February 16, 2016

University Relations

The UAF Women's Center will host two artists, Taylor Yocom and KT Hawbaker-Krohn, and their photo project, "Guarded," during the first week of March.

After a series of sexual assaults on Yocom's college campus, she decided to photograph people with items they carry to protect themselves from sexual violence.

"Talking to my peers, I was amazed at how commonplace these objects were," Yocom said. "Girls put pepper spray where petty trinkets should be. Some even were gifted Mace guns by their fathers. The connotation of these loaded objects being so casually used on a keychain baffled me. It was a constant reminder of the sensed danger looming around. I saw this as an opportunity."

The photo project will hang in Arctic Java from March 1–9. The two artists will discuss the project Thursday, March 3, from 1–2 p.m. in Arctic Java. On March 4, from 5–7 p.m., "Guarded" will be the center of Arctic Java's First Friday event.

The two artists will also take photos of UAF students to add to "Guarded."