Hahn named interim dean of libraries
March 12, 2015

Suzanne Bishop
University of Alaska Fairbanks Provost Susan Henrichs has named Suzan L. Hahn interim dean of libraries. Hahn has been at the Rasmuson Library since 1997 in a variety of roles, most recently as head of Collections and Access Services, where she oversees public services.
She is an associate professor of library science and earned her Master of Science in Library and Information Science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
In addition to her teaching responsibilities, Hahn’s research areas include library public services, support of distance learning and the history of trapping in Alaska. She currently serves on the Alaska Statewide Database Committee and UAF BioSciences Library Move Committee. She has been inducted into Phi Alpha Theta, the national history honor society.
Hahn replaces Bella Karr Gerlich, who recently left UAF to take a post at Texas Tech University.
CONTACT: Suzanne Bishop, Development Officer, UAF Elmer E. Rasmuson Library, 907-474-6997, sbishop@alaska.edu
ON THE WEB: http://library.uaf.edu/news-interim-dean-libraries-named