HR coordinator training

January 29, 2021

University Relations

The University of Alaska Human Resources office will offer a series of HR coordinator training sessions in 2021.

MyUa Navigation
Wednesday, Feb. 10
2-3 p.m.

How You Can Support New Employee Orientation
Wednesday, Feb. 17
2-3 p.m.

Understanding Student Assignments - Just The Basics
Wednesday, March 17
2-3 p.m.

Family Medical Leave Act - What You Need To Know
Wednesday, April 21
2-3 p.m.

Preparing The Fiscal Year End
Wednesday, May 19
2-3 p.m.

How To Utilize Spoke
Wednesday, June 16
2-3 p.m.

Setting Up Faculty Academic Year Assignments
Wednesday, July 21
2-3 p.m.

Understanding Adjunct Assignments
Wednesday. Aug. 4
2-3 p.m.

Diversity and Inclusivity for HR Coordinators
Wednesday, Sept. 8
2-3 p.m.

Ready To Extend An Offer, What’s Next? A Meeting for HR Coordinators.
Wednesday, Oct. 13
2-3 p.m.

Please register through myUA no later than two days prior to the selected training date so that we can make sure everyone has the training information and materials.

A welcome email will be sent to you prior to the training session.

We look forward to you joining us. If you have any questions or are experiencing technical difficulties, please contact Tasha Leach at or 907-450-8178.