IARC director named U.S. delegate to science committee
January 23, 2014
International Arctic Research Center Director Larry Hinzman has been named by the
U.S. Polar Research Board to serve as U.S. delegate to the International Arctic Science
IASC, an interdisciplinary committee of the International Council for Science, is
a non-governmental, scientific organization established to encourage international
cooperation “in all aspects of Arctic research, in all countries engaged in Arctic
research, and in all areas of the Arctic region.” IASC encourages and facilitates
basic and applied multi-disciplinary research connected with the circumpolar Arctic,
and provides scientific advice on Arctic issues.
Promoting “excellence in polar science” and providing “independent scientific guidance
to federal agencies,” the U.S. Polar Research Board is organized by the Division on
Life and Earth Studies of the National Research Council, one of the National Academies.
The board serves as the U.S. National Committee to IASC and is responsible for selecting
the U.S. delegate and working group representatives.
Hinzman’s four-year term as U.S. delegate will begin in April 2014, replacing Jacqueline
Grebmeier, who has served for the last eight years.
Learn more about IASC and IARC.