IARC Salon: 'Interior Alaska air quality'

December 2, 2019

University Relations

Join the International Arctic Research Center for this month’s IARC Salon panel discussion on the Interior's air quality. The event will be held Thursday, Dec. 5, from 2-3 p.m. in Akasofu 401.

The first panelist, Joe Little, economist at the School of Management and IARC, estimates the change in wood burning given changes in the price of oil.

The next panelist, Nick Czarnecki, air quality manager at Fairbanks North Star Borough, has worked with the State and the EPA on the FNSB state implementation plan.

The final panelist Bill Simpson, chemist at the Geophysical Institute, researches the causes of the high amounts of particulate matter in Fairbanks and North Pole.

Cookies and coffee will be served. You can download a flyer (PDF) here. For more information contact Sherri Wall at slwall@alaska.edu.