Improving Work-Life Satisfaction workshop
October 4, 2013
Alaska EPSCoR and AWIS-Alaska are sponsoring a workshop titled, "Improving Work-Life
Satisfaction" from 1:30-5:30 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 24, in 501 Akasofu.
Given the work environments and expectations for individuals in science, engineering,
technology and mathematics, and the fact that a career in STEM is very often a way
of life and far more than a job, work-life satisfaction can be elusive. While advocating
for change in policies and systems continues to be important, individuals must find
the personal work-life satisfaction strategies that work for them within the systems
in which they work.
The goal of the workshop is to give individuals in STEM the tools they need to achieve
personal work-life satisfaction and thereby facilitate sustainable engagement and
success in their jobs.
The learning objectives of the program:
- Participants will come away with the ability to define for themselves what work-life satisfaction is and is not.
- Participants will be able to identify 7 keys to achieving and maintaining work-life satisfaction.
- Participants will develop an action plan that can be implemented immediately or in the future.
Register online at