Informational sessions on construction scheduled
March 11, 2013

Tanana Loop road will close April 1 from the west end of the Bunnell Building to the east side of the Duckering Building, and will remain closed for two years.
The new projects will add more than 150,000 square-feet of new space to the campus. They will significantly change the look and feel of the campus core and help better serve our students.
Other projects happening this summer include:
- A sewer line replacement will close Tanana Loop road between the Duckering Building and the Fine Arts Complex from June through August.
- A number of departments will change locations as a result of the Margaret Murie Building opening and space opening up in the Bunnell and Eielson buildings.
- On West Ridge, the Margaret Murie Building will be completed this summer
- The Butrovich Building project will begin June 10, which will affect access to the building and the lot.
Parking and transportation
Please allow extra time to get to your destination, and check the construction website for additional information. Several other lots will be affected during construction staging. The map linked here shows some of the work and affected parking lots, and regular updates and changes will be listed there as the construction gets underway.
Construction Parking Map (pdf)
If you'd like more information, attend a forum in person or via live webstream. The purpose of the forum is to help inform the campus about what to expect, but also to identify any issues that staff might have and address them the best we can.
Informal Q and A sessions next week:
- Tuesday, March 19 in the Great Hall from 1 – 3 p.m.
- Tuesday, March 19, in the Akasofu Building Lobby from 3:30 – 4:30 p.m.
Recording available for the forum held on March 6.
More information and timelines will be available later this month at