Innovation can pay off

April 5, 2019

University Relations

OIPC logoYou may be sitting on some commercially valuable innovations through your research at UAF and UAS. These innovations can help both you and the university. In fact, your innovations could be world-changing.

After you disclose your innovation to the Office of Intellectual Property and Commercialization, OIPC will handle most of the the legwork, including patenting and commercialization.

Who: UAF and UAS faculty, staff and students from all departments

What: Anything you’ve created. If you aren’t sure, then don’t hesitate to ask contact OIPC at or 474-2605.  The range of what can or should be disclosed is far broader than you might think. It's better to err on the side of disclosing, and OIPC will follow up with you to talk about it.

How: Just visit and fill out the form.

When: Now! Waiting can undermine intellectual property rights.

Why: OIPC can help turn your research into reality. Why else? It’s required by federal regulation, it might result in a publication under your name, you could earn financial royalties, it helps your college or department, it contributes to economic development, you can be entered at your discretion into an annual innovation competition with cash prizes, and more.

Learn more at OIPC's website.