Juneau-Douglas team wins third at National Ocean Sciences Bowl
May 8, 2014

Sharice Walker
The team representing Alaska in the 2014 National Ocean Sciences Bowl won third place in the national competition held in Seattle, Washington May 1-4.
Juneau-Douglas High School students Ruby Steedle, Johnny Connolly, Johnny Elliot, Stephen Mell and Megan Sheufelt, along with coach Brian Stoody were one of only three teams to be undefeated in the round robin competition.
The team of veteran competitors lost their first match in the double elimination bracket, but worked their way back up through the losers bracket, beating five other teams including the team they lost to in the first round. Their second loss in the double elimination bracket was to the eventual NOSB champions, Boise High School. This is the second year in a row the Juneau-Douglas team won third place in the national competition.
ADDITIONAL CONTACT: Brian Stoody, brian.stoody@juneauschools.org