Kinross Fort Knox gives dozer to UAF CTC program
August 12, 2013

Karen Wilken
Kinross Fort Knox recently donated a Caterpillar D10 dozer to the diesel/heavy equipment program at the University of Alaska Fairbanks Community and Technical College.
Students will begin using the machine during the upcoming semester’s studies, including breaking down, re-assembling and re-installing the engine.
“This equipment will improve the diesel/heavy equipment training program’s ability to train students on equipment more specialized for use in the mining industry,” said Brian Rencher head instructor for the program.
“We appreciate the support Kinross Fort Knox provides to our program," said CTC Dean Michele Stalder. "Fort Knox provides a great example of how our industry and community partners can help prepare the next generation of heavy equipment operators and mechanics.”

The Caterpillar D10 dozer is the latest, and largest, addition to the program's heavy equipment fleet. As a part of their studies, students learn to operate and maintain construction, agricultural and on-highway equipment. Each graduate of the 10-month program also receives hands-on training in preventative maintenance inspections, problem diagnostics and equipment repairs and adjustments.
“The D10 dozer donation represents the ties between industry partners and UAF Community and Technical College’s workforce training programs with the goal of training Alaskans for Alaska jobs,” Rencher said. “We have enjoyed a long relationship with Kinross Fort Knox with both equipment donations as well as their hiring of a sizable amount of program graduates over the years.”
Stalder also credited NC Machinery, The Caterpillar Foundation, Usibelli Coal Mine and Alaska West Express for their ongoing support to the diesel/heavy equipment program at CTC. “It’s important to help develop young mechanics and operators. The graduates of these programs may someday work for large equipment manufacturers or their customers."
NOTE TO EDITORS: Two events will take place on Tuesday, Aug. 13, to celebrate this donation. The first will be a five-minute presentation at the weekly Greater Fairbanks Chamber of Commerce luncheon at noon at the Carlson Center. The second, more formal celebration, will be at the CTC campus at the Hutchison Center from 4:30 - 6 p.m. Both events will include representatives from the university and Kinross Fort Knox.
ADDITIONAL CONTACTS: Michele Stalder, CTC dean, 907-455-2850 or Anna Atchison, community and government relations manager, 907-488-4653 or