KSUA, Sun Star to relocate to Wood Center
January 18, 2019

Construction has begun in Wood Center to create a new, shared office space for KSUA, the Sun Star and the concert board. Located on the second floor in the former Polar Perks location across from the ballroom, the new office space will include a modern broadcast studio and production and control room along with collaborative workspace for students involved in these programs.
KSUA and the Sun Star are currently located on the third floor of Constitution Hall and will relocate ahead of an extensive renovation planned for Constitution Hall to begin in late April. The Department of Design and Construction is currently evaluating options for the third floor.
Together with the concert board, UAF's student media programs offer volunteer, employment and leadership opportunities for dozens of students. Moving into Wood Center will bring these student-run media organizations greater visibility and accessibility while promoting greater collaboration between KSUA, the Sun Star and the concert board.
Construction in Wood Center is expected to continue through March. The Wood Center scheduling office will coordinate with users who have reserved space in Wood Center to minimize the impact to events as much as possible.
For more information, contact Ronnie Houchin, ASUAF advisor and office manager, at rshouchin@alaska.edu or 474-5153.