KUAC changes channel lineup
May 23, 2017
Nancy Tarnai
KUAC has altered its TV channel lineup in preparation for the addition of the KUAC
PBS Kids Channel, slated to begin airing June 5. A rescan of televisions may be required.
The old channel lineup:
- 9.1 PBS
- 9.2 World
- 9.3 Create
- 9.4 UATV/FNX
- 9.5 KUAC FM1
- 9.6 KUAC FM2
- 9.7 KUAC FM3
Effective May 23, the new lineup will be:
- 9.1 PBS
- 9.2 World
- 9.3 Create
- 9.4 UATV/FNX
- 9.5 (location for new KUAC PBS Kids 24/7 channel, blank for now)
- 9.6 KUAC FM1 (same as 89.9 FM)
- 9.7 KUAC FM2 (an eclectic mix of music, news and talk shows)
- 9.8 KUAC FM3 (mostly classical music)
Previously, some TV sets were unable to play the audio on the FM 2 and 3 channels because their signals lacked a video component. KUAC has now added the video from FM1 to FM2 and 3, so televisions that cannot decode the audio-only FM programming will now produce sound. All users should be able to receive both audio and video. The video on 9.6, 9.7 and 9.8 will appear the same, but the audio programming will be distinctly different.
Visit KUAC.org for details or call 474-7279.